LifeStyle Fusion Healthy Eating Science-Backed Weight Loss: Maximize Satiety with These Fiber-Rich Foods

Science-Backed Weight Loss: Maximize Satiety with These Fiber-Rich Foods

Weight loss is not only about dieting, but also about choosing the right foods scientifically, so that you can feel full during the weight loss period, and not have to go hungry, but also happy to lose weight. According to “Healthline” “12 Foods You Can Eat a Lot of Without Getting Fat” article, the scientific recommendation of the 12 kinds of weight loss period, you can eat not food, without worrying about the rebound effect.

1. white boiled potatoes

Because potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates, many people in the weight loss, will avoid eating potatoes. But in fact, potatoes contain a lot of vitamins, fiber, and other important nutrients.

In addition, it also contains a unique starch: resistant starch. Resistant starch contains half the calories of normal starch.

And in the digestive system, like soluble fiber, it helps you feel full. Since resistant starch helps fight hunger, it can lead to fewer calories.

Interestingly, the amount of resistant starch increases when cooked potatoes are allowed to cool.

The study suggests that letting them cool and then reheating them a few times consistently increases their hunger-suppressing effects.

And in another study, measured the effectiveness of 38 kinds of food anti-hunger, the results of white boiled potatoes have the highest effect.

2. the whole egg

Eggs are rich in nutrients, and most of the nutrients, including about half of the egg protein, are present in the yolk.

Eggs contain all the protein, that is, contains all 9 kinds of essential fatty acids. Plus, eggs are very filling.

Different studies have found that people who ate eggs for breakfast compared to those who ate bagels for breakfast, throughout the day, feel more satiated, and consume fewer calories.

3. oats

Oats are usually eaten for breakfast in the form of oatmeal, which is very filling. Among the more fiber-rich, including beta-glucan, a soluble fiber that can help slow digestion, and absorption of carbohydrates.

Compared with the average cereal breakfast, oatmeal can suppress appetite, increase satiety, and help you in the whole day, eat less calories.

4. broth

It is generally recognized that liquids are less filling than solid foods. However, studies have shown that using the same material soup, compared to solid food, more belly.

There has been a study that pointed out that in the beginning of the meal to drink soup, can be in the same meal with, take 20% less calories. Different studies have found that regular consumption of soup can reduce calorie intake, increase satiety and help promote weight loss.

However, it is best not to choose a higher calorie content of cream soup.

5. beans

Beans, such as peas and lentils, contain a lot of fiber and protein. In addition, and contains relatively low energy density, so it is a food that can bring a sense of satiety, and may even help promote weight loss.

6. Apples

Different studies have pointed out that eating fruits is associated with lower calorie intake and weight loss.

Apple’s satiety index is very high, often contain pectin, a soluble fiber, can slow down digestion, and help you feel full.

Plus, apples are more than 85% water, which can increase satiety without increasing calorie intake. However, eating a whole apple is more filling than drinking fruit juice.

7. Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits, like apples, contain a lot of pectin, which slows down digestion and increases satiety. In addition, they also contain a lot of water. Orange and grapefruit water content are more than 87%, can increase the feeling of satiety, without making you take a lot of calories.

8. fish

Fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, or will increase overweight or obese people’s sense of satiety. In addition, which contains high quality protein, but also very full belly. Fish satiety index, compared with other foods containing large amounts of protein is higher.

9. lean meat

Lean meat is rich in protein, and very satiating. High-protein diets, compared to low-protein diets, can make the overall calorie intake is lower.

10. cheese

Cheese is low in calories, but contains a lot of protein. In addition, it also contains a lot of healthy nutrients, including vitamin B, calcium, phosphorus and selenium. These nutrients and qualities make cottage cheese a diet food.


Vegetables are low in calories and contain a lot of beneficial nutrients and plant compounds. Plus a lot of water and fiber, help you increase the feeling of satiety. But avoid using high-fat sauce.

12. popcorn

Popcorn contains fiber, compared to other snacks are more. Plus can occupy the stomach space, but only relatively low calorie content. But avoid adding high-fat ingredients.

This article is from the author's personal opinion, does not represent the position of LifeStyle Fusion


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